Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Joy of Discovery

File this one under "Fatherhood" or "Games" then again why not just under my normal nerdyness? Regardless of where you file this post, the this is a simple post of discovery.  In this case, the discovery of a new webcomic.

Briar Hollow is a "coming of age" story, or as I prefer to call it, "a school story."  Currently at about 56 pages, Briar Hollow is just a fun read of a nerdy girl returning to college after a semester off.  She seems to be trying to get past the "nerd" look and move on with her life, but as all of us who are nerds know, it is hard to leave the life.  In a sense it is denying a part of who you are, and while this story has been told thousands of times it still resonates because so many of us go through a point in our lives of "rediscovery" or trying to change who we are.

I look forward to seeing how this comic grows as it ages and I will probably do a more "complete" review in the future but for now give it a shot and let me know what you think.  Personally I like the art on top of the story as it was the art that made me look at it thanks to PvP's Scott Kurtz's tweet about Briar Hollow.


Terry Blas said...


Thanks for checking it out! Terrific review. I call "coming of age" stories "school stories" a lot too.

I'll be checking out your blog!


James Yee said...

Thank you for coming by. I look forward to reading more and doing a more complete "review" in the future. With your blessing of course.